How many players are in each game?
There will be 5 open slots for players to join a typical game, not including myself. Although different numbers of players can be negotiated.
How do I sign up?
Once you see an open listing on the scheduling page’s calendar, merely contact me via Discord or email to have your name added to the game and reserve your spot!
How are groups formed?
Once sign ups begin for a game, a Discord server will be put in place for players to meet each other, talk to the DM, and create characters. Games usually fill up rather quickly so there should be no delay in starting the game once we reach the start date.
What if I don’t get along with the players?
Before Players join one of my games, I meet with them one on one to discuss expectations at the virtual table, any content that might be unpleasant for the player that I can censor or rework, as well as any reservations they might have in general. I have spent years managing both students and adults and I work to ensure that everyone at my table is being respected and having a good time.
Are new players okay?
Over the years I have DMed for more new players than I can count, as well as experienced players. Anyone is welcome at my table as long as they are respectful to their fellow players! Have no fear about learning, I will be happy to show you the ropes!
I’m new, what is the DM’s roll and what is mine?
Players will take on the roll of their own player character, known as a PC. Each PC has different skills and abilities, every one is unique! As players role play these adventurers, I as the DM will guide them through a story as well as voice the non-player characters. But make no mistake, your choices are the true force which shape this game.
Where do we play?
Remote Games will be played through roll20.net for gameplay, and discord for audio and organization. In person games can take place in a variety of locations as determined prior to the campaigns start.